How to Setup Billplz Payment Gateway in WordPress?


Looking for a payment partner for your online business in Malaysia? Your low-cost payment gateway provider Billplz is ready to set up on your WordPress website with Paymattic. Let’s learn today about Billplz and Paymattic and see how you can set up the Billplz payment gateway on the WordPress website.

What is Billplz payment gateway?

Billplz is a Malaysian payment platform to pay and accept online payments. It supports the local payment system of Malaysia – Maybank, Touch n’ Go and other global networks such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express. You can receive funds on your website through the Billplz payment gateway using the Paymattic WordPress payment plugin.

It is the most preferred online payment method in Malaysia. Merchants love to use Billplz for its cost-friendly payment process and fast payout for online banking.

It can be integrated with the popular mobile app JomParking and Boost Wallet. Besides, it supports popular e-Wallets such as GrabPay, TnG, Boost and ShopeePay.

Paymattic WordPress payment plugin

Paymattic is the ultimate payment and donation plugin for WordPress websites. It supports Stripe, PayPal, Square, Paystack, Mollie, Xendit, Razorpay, Payrexx, Billplz and SSLCOMMERZ payment methods. For direct bank transfer or manual payment, you can use the option Offline payment as well.

You can create payment and donation forms with Paymattic in minutes. It has ready-to-use donation templates and tonnes of integration options. You can integrate Paymattic with Slack, Telegram, Zapier, FluentCRM, Fluent Support, Mailchimp and many more!

Other mind-blowing features of Paymattic include – 

  • Subscription payments
  • One time payment
  • 70+ pre-built form templates
  • 13 payment gateways
  • 35+ custom form fields
  • Integrations with multiple platforms
  • LMS integration
  • 135+ currencies support
  • Form import-export
  • Detailed reporting and analytics

Setup Billplz payment gateway in WordPress

You can add the Billplz payment gateway to the WordPress website using Paymattic easily. Let’s learn the process step by step – 

  • In the beginning, go to Paymattic (Pro) → Payment Gateway from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Then, Click on Billplz from the left navigation bar.
Billplz settings

Now, you will be landed on the Billplz settings page. Here, you can see two types of modes – Live Mode or Test Mode. However, you can follow the same procedure to set up the Live Mode or Test Mode.


Next, the Billplz settings page will ask you to insert a Secret Key and Collection ID.

Log in to your Billplz account to get your Secret Key and Collection ID.

Secret Key

To avail your Secret Key –

  • First, click on your profile name and go to the Settings option.
  • Here, you can view the Keys & Integration section.
  • Click on the Billplz Secret Key and copy the key.

Collection ID

After you get the Secret Key you will require a Collection ID. 

  • Go to the Billing/Payment Form/Payout API section.
  • Click Create Collection button on the right.
  • Fill in the Title field and click the Submit button.
  • You will get a Collection ID and copy it.

Put the Secret Key and Collection ID in your WordPress dashboard (Paymattic (Pro) → Payment Gateway → Billplz) and click on the Save Settings button.

Great! You have successfully integrated Billplz with Paymattic. Now, let’s create a form and see how to add the Billplz payment method to your WordPress payment form.

Read this blog and learn how to add a donation form in WordPress

To do so – 

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Paymattic (Pro) > Create Form.
  • Here, you can use a prebuilt form template or create a fresh one.
  • Click on the New Blank Form to build a form from the beginning.
  • Add all your necessary form fields.
  • At last, add Billplz payment gateway from the payment method fields.
  • Finally, you must click on the Update Fields button to save the changes.

Excellent! It’s so simple, right? You have just created a WordPress payment form with the Billplz payment gateway. Copy the shortcode of the form on a page and publish the page. You are ready to collect payment now!

Final notes

Billplz payment gateway and Paymattic create a powerful synergy in your WordPress website. Try Paymattic today and give it a shot to get a faster online payment experience.

If you find this blog helpful, let us know your experience with Paymattic in the comment box below.

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