Paymattic 4.3.2 – Say Hello to Multi-step Forms and More!

Hello, Paymattic fam! It’s time for another fresh new Paymattic release with exciting new features. As you are already familiar, Paymattic, the most formidable WordPress payment and fundraising plugin in the market right now, is pledged to deliver the very best.
In continuation with this, the previous release introduced Google Sheets integration and Malaysia-based payment gateway Billplz. Before that, there were paid tickets, conditional emails, Gutenberg-esque editor, customer profiles, 3 different LMS integrations, etc.
Honestly, its development is hard to keep track of. So without further ado, let’s take a quick peek into Paymattic 4.3.2 changelog.

Multi-step form

One amazing way to increase your conversion rates is through multi-step forms. While not universal, multi-step forms perform exceptionally well in some circumstances involving a huge amount of data.
Paymattic 4.3.2 comes with this amazing feature. One simple drag of the Step Form input field and your payment form will be divided into multiple segments. Now you can easily section your form into multiple suitable compartments.
Turnstile (Cloudflare) security

Website security is serious, and Paymattic approaches it with utmost resolve. So keeping this in focus, say hello to Cloudfare Turnstile integration. It authenticates real users, keeping bots at bay. Its CAPTCHA-free browsing experience is why it’s such a crowd favorite.
A new Turnstile option will appear on the Paymattic Global Settings page. To integrate it with Paymattic, you will need a Site Key and a Secret Key, which you will get from your Cloudfare Turnstile dashboard. Simply place them in the relevant fields, and you are good to go!
What’s next?
We are asking you! Tell us what would be the most helpful for your business or non-profit and which feature you will benefit from, and we’ll try our best to deliver that to you. That’s a promise! If you liked your journey with Paymattic so far, make sure to leave a review.
So what are you waiting for? Try Paymattic Pro today and experience the transaction of tomorrow, today!