Cloudflare Turnstile security provides website visitors with frustration-free, CAPTCHA-free browsing experiences. It stops abuse and confirms visitors are real without the data privacy concerns or awful UX that CAPTCHAs thrust on users.
To configure Turnstile security, you’ll need a Site Key and a Secret Key from Cloudflare Turnstile by following the below steps-
- First, go to Settings → select Turnstile (left sidebar), then you will be redirected to the Cloudflare Turnstile Settings page.
- Now, you will need a Site Key and a Secret Key to add.
- If you don’t have a Cloudflare Turnstile account, you can sign up here.
- Now, click on the Turnstile option from the left sidebar, then the TurnStile Sites area will appear.
- Click the Add Site button.
- Add your Site Name as well as add your Domain & then create the Site by clicking on the Create button.
- After clicking on the Create button, Site Key & Secret Key will be shown.
- Copy the Site Key and Secret Key to use them for future uses.
- Paste the Site key and Secret Key to the Turnstile Settings in Paymattic.
- Don’t forget to click on the Save Settings button when you are done!
After successfully configuring the Turnstile, you can configure it with any form in Paymattic. To enable Turnstile in a specific form, follow the steps mentioned below –
- Go to Paymattic → All Forms from your WordPress dashboard.
- Then, create a new form or select a previously built form.
- Press the Settings button below the form name.
- Navigate to the Confirmation Settings from the left and click on the Turnstile Settings tab.
- Tick the Enable Turnstile for this form option.
- At last, click on the Save Turnstile Settings button when the customization is done.
- Let’s have a look at the preview of this form.
This is how simple to Configure Cloudflare Turnstile security by following some easy steps!