14 Top Fundraising Ideas for Sports Teams 2024

Fundraising Ideas for Sports Team

If you’re reading this article, you must be in some trouble maintaining a sports club and looking for the top fundraising ideas for sports teams. To maintain a sports club, it’s evident that you need money for it. 

Starting from the purchase cost of uniforms and replacing outdated equipment, staying in an academy, and travel costs for a tournament, every expense is increasing rapidly. Whether you’re an athlete, a community sports team, a school team manager, or a coach, you’re very much familiar with this reality.

When the finance is limited, that’s exactly where you need to raise funds. You can’t only rely on taking loans from banks or anyone else. You know that this is not the process of maintaining a sports organization. But you also don’t know how to fundraise for a sports team.

Then what is the solution?

There are many true methods and creative ideas that have been used for sports fundraisers. In this article, we’ll cover up to 14 top fundraising ideas for sports teams. From individual athletes to bigger community sports teams, there is something for everyone. 

14 Most Effective and Top Fundraising Ideas for Sports Teams

A unique idea for raising donations can lead to great participation and raise a good number of funds as well. For easy navigation, we’ll categorize the best fundraising ideas for sports clubs into two sections.

  • Offline Youth Sports Fundraising Ideas
  • Online Sports Teams Fundraising Ideas

Let’s explore these two categories of sports fundraisers to have the best ideas about taking donations for any sports organization.

Offline Youth Sports Fundraising Ideas

There are many offline fundraising ideas for youth sports teams you’ll get from Google. But all of them just won’t work for you. You have to pick some ideas that suit you and your club. We’ve made a list of the best fundraising ideas for sports clubs that aligned with the sports teams of all phases.

  • Host an a-thon
  • Restaurant Partnership
  • Shoe Drive
  • Field Day
  • Organize a Tournament
  • Obstacle Course
  • Car Wash
  • Fitness Class
  • Coach Challenge

Host an a-thon

A-thon is usually used to describe an event or activity that includes an intense or focused effort towards a specific goal or objective. It often brings a group of people together to engage in the activity, and the primary goal is usually to raise awareness or financial support for a certain cause.

Examples of the event of a-thon include “Marathon” (a long-distance running event), “Readathon” (an event where participants read for a certain period of time), Hit-a-thon (a baseball event where players aim to hit as many balls as possible within a set of time), etc. 

Hosting an a-thon could be one of the best fundraising ideas for youth sports teams as it can be aligned with any sports event like football, basketball, swimming, golf, etc. Your team member can raise money each time the participants score a goal, hit the basket, or after finishing each lap of swimming or running. 

You can tailor the event to fit the specific needs and goals of your cause or team. 

Pick a convenient date and time, select your venue, make a proper plan, and ask the participants to secure pledges. You can also have an alternative of flat-fee donation for those who don’t want to pledge a certain amount. 

To increase participation, promote the event offline and online. The main point is to create an event that is engaging, fun, and inspiring for the participants while also successfully raising awareness and funding for your team.

Restaurant Partnership

This is one of the easiest and most profitable fundraising ideas for sports teams. No hassle of hiring space or cooking for the guests.

You’ll find many restaurants in your locality that always encourage organizations to arrange a partnership program with them regarding raising money for various expenses.

Just get in touch with the local restaurant owner or the manager and ask them if you can arrange a fundraiser for your sports team. Offer them an idle night to organize a dinner event because this is how you can easily convince them to share a good percentage of the profit that they’ll earn from your event. 

After fixing a date for the event, invite as many people as possible and let them know your motive.

People always love going out to eat. And if they get to know, they’re not only eating for them but also helping an organization through their participation, that’ll make them feel even better. 

restaurant partnership in fundraising for sports teams
Booster Club Collaborating With Local Restaurants (Source)

To engage with your guests you can also arrange a little raffle or quiz. You get the opportunity to raise funds for your teams by receiving a percentage of the restaurant profits on a particular night; on the other hand, the restaurant benefits from gaining exposure and revenue.

Shoe Drive

A shoe drive is one of those easy and creative fundraising ideas for sports teams where you can make donations free of any cost. A shoe drive sports fundraiser is a unique idea of fundraising where you can collect gently worn, used, and new shoes of all ages and styles and then provide them to those who need them the most. 

Nearly 1 billion inhabitants of the Earth are suffering from a lack of shoes or inadequate footwear.  Being shoeless, many children cannot attend school. Many people are getting affected by various kinds of diseases through their bare feet. 

To arrange shoe drive fundraisers for sports teams, first of all, get partnered with a fundraiser facilitator. Then you just need to make a team of volunteers who are willing to work in this program.

They can be your team members, students, or your friends and family. They’ll work to collect the shoes, create awareness and promote the campaign. 

shoe drive fundraising ideas for youth sports teams

Share your campaign with your friends, family, community, neighbors, and other local businesses. Give them a compelling reason to generate their interest in your program.

You can also take help from a shoe drive fundraiser facilitator like Funds2Orgs, who’ll help you by providing free marketing and fundraising tools.

Collect as many shoes as possible and then contact your facilitator to collect them from you. Finally, they’ll calculate the value and issue a check based on the fund you have raised. It’s that simple!

It’s a great fundraising idea for youth sports teams where you can be both host and participant.

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Field day

A field day is another perfect fundraising idea for a sports team. It’s a day full of activity. Pick a sunny day, reserve a local field, and invite your team members, friends and family, and their neighbors also. You can also contact your local community to take part using social media. 

Be creative while designing the games or activities to make the participants more active and engaged. Make sure you have prizes for the winners.

To ensure the field day proceeds to support your team, utilize the equipment you already have, or opt for games and activities that don’t require any gear. 

Offer traditional games like tug of war, water balloon tosses, potato sack races, obstacle courses, dodgeball, etc. Charge an entry fee, or you can also set up a charge per game. Sell lemonade, chilled watermelon, and ice cream to earn some extra money.

field day fundraising sports events

Organize a Tournament

Organizing a tournament can be a great fundraising strategy for raising awareness of your team in your community and generating donations at the same time. Invite the other teams of your locality or outsiders to participate in the tournament by paying a donation to get entry to the tournament. 

It’s among those top fundraising ideas for sports teams, where you can raise money in different ways. You can also do some crowdfunding by setting up a donation box in the field. 

Consider inviting food trucks and ice cream sellers to participate in the tournament and request them to contribute a percentage of their overall sales from the event. This can help to add extra value to the revenue stream and enhance the overall experience for attendees.

tournament to fundraise for a sports team

Obstacle Course

It’s a challenge for people to test their agility and a great way of entertaining as well.  People of all ages can be a part of this.

This fundraising sports idea is mainly focused on athleticism. Select a big field and design various types of obstacles, so people can engage with it and everyone gets a chance to show off their skills.

You can literally use anything to create the obstacle. Participants will pay a certain amount of money in exchange for their chance to complete the course. To make this more engaging, reward the winner with a prize for the fastest completion.

obstacle course for sports teams fundraising

Car Wash

People always want to see their cars cleaned. You can use the cause and raise funds for your teams. This is a classic way to raise money in exchange for giving a service. Find a place with plenty of space to expose a lot of traffic. Advertise the event online and to the community to gain public attention. 

For the event, all you need is some volunteers (mostly your team members can play the role), sponges, soaps, water, and buckets. Have loud music to keep the event alive. The owners will give a donation for each wash.

car wash fundraiser

You can also organize a car wash event during game day. The biggest advantage to that is, you’ll get a large audience to offer their cars to be washed.

Simply place a sign of the event around the parking lot and have volunteers collect a small fee from the people who want their cars washed. After the game, hand over the clean cars to their owners. There is a high possibility of having some extra tips. 

17 Best School Fundraising Ideas in 2024 for Rapid Success

Fitness Class

Fitness classes can be a great source of sports fundraising ideas. Fitness is a challenge, it’s a goal that all want to achieve. And who doesn’t want to take a challenge for a good cause? You have the option either base it around your sport or choose a general fitness activity.

The popular and generic fitness activity for sports fundraising includes –

  • Yoga
  • Push-ups
  • Weightlifting
  • Running
  • Climbing
  • Dance

It’s likely that someone from your team or the entire team member is experienced or skilled in one of these activities and can lead the classes to raise funds. Collaborate with the local gym, park, or community center to secure a location to conduct the fitness classes.

There are several approaches you can take when planning this fundraiser for sports teams.

fitness classes for sports fundraising

For example, the class can be one time or part of a more extensive program. Promote the classes to the community through social networks, email, and flyers. Set a registration fee and start this excellent fundraising idea for your sports team sharing your fitness knowledge with the community.

Coach Challenge

Of course, sports team members obey their coaches, but they also love to see them in embarrassing moments. Challenging the coach can be a very interesting and effective fundraising idea for sports teams.

First, set up a challenging yet achievable fundraising goal and announce to your network that if the goal is achieved then your coach will face an uncomfortable challenge or punishment. 

Coach Challenge fundraiser

The challenge can be shaving their head, doing chicken dances, sitting in a dunk tank, dressing like an alien, or doing other embarrassing challenges. The more outrageous the challenge, the more supporters get motivated to donate and reach the goal.

Online Sports Teams Fundraising Ideas

Don’t stick to only offline fundraising ideas when you have a lot of opportunities online also. Amongst numerous online sports teams’ fundraising ideas, it’s pretty easy to lose your path to decide which ideas to choose. You can hardly find people who don’t use the Internet. Make it the easiest path to get in touch with people. 

  • Crowdfunding
  • Merchandise Sale
  • Peer-to-Peer Campaign
  • Silent Auction
  • Online Concert


Crowdfunding means taking small donations from a large number of people. You can create a crowdfunding campaign to take donations from all over the world. This is one of the most popular and top fundraising ideas for sports teams. Crowdfunding has a huge potential to reach your donation goal. 

First of all, choose the right crowdfunding platform that suits your team and set up an online donation form. Create your campaign and make sure the campaign clearly outlines your fundraising goals.

Share a history and background of your team that encourages people to support your team. Start sharing your donation page using different online platforms like social media, email, newsletter, etc. 

You can also spend some money on social ads and can do free email marketing to reach the most number of people from all over the world. 

Remember the wider your campaign reach, the more donations you’ll receive. 

a screenshot of funding as a prove of crowdfunding for football team
Foresthill Wildfires Football raised a lot more than their goal through crowdfunding- (source)

During crowdfunding, you might face an issue with the payment gateways. To make a donation, each country has a different payment method. To get the best out of your campaign you can try Paymattic with 13 different payment gateways worldwide. Using Paymattic anybody can donate from any corner of the world.

Merchandise sale

Selling team merchandise is a very classic idea to raise money for a sports organization. Any type of club can try this method regarding taking some donations. For this, the merchandise should be selected carefully. While choosing the merchandise, consider some key factors, like

  • Its relevancy to the sport 
  • Geographical location 
  • Time of the year
  • Pricing.
merchandise selling to raising donation for sports organization

T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies are popular choices for merchandise. In addition, you can also try items that are associated with sports, like water bottles, backpacks, etc.

Set up an e-store and promote it using your social media and team website. You can also sell customized t-shirts. Selling customized t-shirts is not only a profitable fundraiser for sports teams but also a great marketing strategy for your team.

Peer-to-Peer Campaign

A peer-to-peer campaign is a fundraising strategy for youth sports teams where your team members or volunteers organize personal fundraising campaigns and raise money on behalf of the team.

Using peer-to-peer campaigns, you’re raising more donations and expanding your networks wider. 

You can’t lead a peer-to-peer fundraiser without some passionate team members, who would love to help the team by raising funds. By spreading awareness they may also bring some donors, later who might become regular donors themselves. 

peer to peer fundraising campaign

After selecting your peer-to-peer fundraising campaign platform, each participating member will receive a customizable fundraising page linked to the main donation page.

Encourage them to share their donation pages with their personal network of friends and followers using social media, email, and other digital platforms. All the donations raised by the particular page will be redirected to the team donation page. 

Read more: How to Use Social Media for Fundraising?

Silent Auction

A silent auction is a unique fundraising event for athletic teams that allows donors to bid silently and anonymously without an auctioneer. An online silent auction allows much more time than a typical auction. Individuals from all over the world can participate in a silent auction. To organize this,

  • Ask local businesses, organizations, or individuals to donate items or services for auction. 
  • Display the donated items with descriptions and minimum bids.
  • Closely monitor the auction
  • At the end of the auction, announce the winner and collect the payment.
silent auction fundraising idea

The auction includes sports-related items such as signed balls, jerseys, championship trophies, memorabilia, rare baseball cards, etc.

With proper planning and execution, a successful silent auction can raise a lot of money.

Online Concert

Who doesn’t like music? People love to go out to participate in musical shows or concerts. But now, it’s not mandatory to go out to attend them. People can enjoy any show from lying on their beds. You can contact a rising artist to help you organize an online acoustic concert. 

In this process, both of you’ll get benefited. You’ll raise some donations and he’ll get some fame. Choose a platform for streaming the show, promote it, and then sell the tickets to the audience.

Quarantines Zoom Concert for Broadway Cares breaks record of fundraising
Quarantunes Zoom Concert for Broadway Cares raised  $867,767 and broke the fundraising record on June 27, 2020 (source).

Online concerts for fundraising are a great alternative to typical concerts and somewhere with more advantages compared to traditional shows.

Wrapping Up

There are a variety of effective fundraising ideas for sports clubs, ranging from the traditional method to more creative options. The key is to choose an approach that aligns with your team values, engage with your supporters and generate the necessary funds to reach your goal.

To keep a healthy relationship with the donors, don’t forget to write a thank-you letter to them.

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