Telegram is a cross-platform messaging app with end-to-end encryption as well as enhanced privacy features. Integrating Telegram with Paymattic enables you to send instant notifications to a channel or group when a form is submitted. Let’s learn how to integrate Telegram with Paymattic by following some simple steps.
- First, go to the Paymattic → Integrations from your WordPress admin dashboard & then Enable Telegram from Paymattic Modules.
- Now, log in to your Telegram account and create a Bot by sending the / newbot command to @BotFather in Telegram. After completing the steps @BotFather will provide you with the Bot Token.
- Then, create a channel/group in Telegram and add the Bot as Administrator of the channel/group. Forward a message from your channel or group to @JsonDumpBot, and you will get a Chat ID.
- Copy your Bot Token and Chat ID. Then, go to Paymattic(Pro) → Settings and click on Telegram Messenger from the left sidebar. Paste your Bot Token and Chat ID in the input field. Complete the step by clicking on the Save Settings button.
- Now, Click Paymattic(Pro) → All Forms and select the form you want to integrate Telegram Messenger with or create a new form.
- Click on Edit under the form name.
- Then, go to Integrations from the top bar.
- Click on Add New Integration and Select Telegram Messenger Integration.
- Enter your Telegram Messenger Feed name and type a custom message to send as a notification from your Telegram Bot.
- Now, check to Enable This Feed button to activate the module with your selected form.
- Finally, click on Create Telegram Messenger Feed and complete the integration.
After the successful integration, you will receive a notification in your Telegram account when a new form is submitted.