With Paymattic, you can easily integrate the Viva Wallet payment method to accept payments. This documentation will guide you through the steps to connect your Viva Wallet to Paymattic.
Enable Viva Wallet #
First, go to your Paymattic dashboard and select Payment Gateway from the navbar. Locate and click on the Viva Wallet. If this is your first time setting up Viva Wallet, you will see an Install & Activate Viva Wallet button. Click it to install the Viva Wallet add-on.
Now you will get the option to connect your Viva Wallet using credentials. Here two modes are available: Test Mode and Live Mode. For the purpose of this documentation, we will proceed with Test Mode.
To obtain your credentials you have to log in to your Viva Wallet account.
Viva Wallet Credentials #
Login to your Viva Wallet Account for Test Mode and Live Mode. Now click on Select on your Viva Account Profile.
Your Viva Wallet profile settings option will come now. You have to create a Web App now so select the Sales > Online Payment > Website/Apps.
Click on the Add Website/App button.
Here you will get a Code copy of the code for later use. This is the Source Code that you have to paste into your Paymattic.
Then give your Domain name, Success URL, and Failure URL. Check on all the Checkboxes and click on the Create button.
You will get your Domain Name, Success URL, and Failure URL in the Viva Wallet Settings option in Paymattic.
After that, Go to Settings of your Viva Wallet profile and click on API Access
In your Viva Wallet account, you will find the Access Credentials section, where you can locate your Merchant ID and API Key. Additionally, in the Smart Checkout Credentials section, you can obtain your Client ID. To generate a new secret code, click on the Forgot your Secret button.
Copy all these credentials to your clipboard.
Now Paste the credentials in your Viva Wallet settings of Paymattic and Click on the Save Settings button. We aren’t done yet. Go Back to your Viva Wallet tab again.
Select the Webhook from here and select the Create Webhook button.
Now Copy the Webhook from the Viva Wallet settings in your Paymattic then Paste it here. Check the Active box Select Transaction Payment Created from the dropdown menu and click on the Save button.
Currency Selection in Payment Form #
In your Payment Form, you have to select the Payment Currency Same as your Viva Wallet account. To do so go to your payment Form Settings and select Currency from the left sidebar. Now select the Currency from the Dropdown list.
Congrats! Your Viva Wallet is Successfully connected with your Paymattic.