- Fixes Twenty Twenty-Five theme compatibility issue
- Fixe Email template shortcode rendering issue
- Fixes Unable to enroll in multiple LearnDash courses
- Fixes Broken donation input style in Safari
- Fixes Subscription amount total with tax
- Fixes User registration and activity creation on 100% discount
- Removes Displaying secret courses of (Fluent Community) in Paymattic dashboard
- Improve choose payment method component
- Improve Offline-payment method description field
- Fixes Container form field was not found in the integration feed issue
- Fixes CSS conflict affecting radio and checkbox inputs
- Fixes Password truncation issue
- Improve Donation progress stats bar is now enabled by default
- Adds A placeholder option in the Name field for improved user experience
- Fixes An issue with container field entries during export.
- Fixes A responsive issue with the Payment Receipt layout
- Resolved A conflict with the MasterStudy Plugin
- Fixed A conflict with the Complianz plugin
- Improved UI for Moneris checkout pages
- Made subscription field available in Tax field
- Made Step form buttons editable
- Fixes issue on user registration with password field
- Fixes Ui issues
- Improves Donation component’s UI/UX
- Made recurring donation label editable
- Fixes user login redirect issue
- Adds Custom billing interval feature with interval count on subscription field
- Adds (Fortnightly, Quarterly and Half Yearly) Options for recurring payment on both subscription and donation item field
- Adds donation progress bar on form specific donor leaderboard
- Adds ShortCode rendering on Dropdown field
- Resolves Conditional logic on column container fields
- Improves product selection on tabular products fields
- Fixes Escaping/Sanitization issue
- Fixes Login Redirect issue
- Fixes issue on User dashboard
- Fixes css conflict on Date field
- Fixes Radio component (value missing) on bulk edit editor
- Fixes target item missing for container fields
- Fixes Square redirection issue
- Fixes rendering payment item’s name on payment summary
- Updates UI/UX for all modules
- Adds Resizable column containers
- Adds Offline payment support for free users
- Adds Report page for free users
- Adds Form-specific leader-board
- Adds Option to set an initial raised amount for leaderboards
- Adds horizontal payment items option
- Updates Donation recurring interval button for improved usability
- Improves Webhook integration
- Improves Phone field validation and formatting
- Fixes Google Sheets integration issue
- Fixes Alignment issue in custom HTML component
- Fixes Issue allowing “+” sign in the email field
- Adds Support for subscriptions with 100% discount coupons
- Fixes an issue where email notifications were not being sent on successful payments with the Stripe Embedded payment method
- Fixes the bug related to calling the undefined php_uname function
- Fixes Step form component rendering issues in the editor
- Fixes the issue with the payment item shortcode.
- Fixes Stripe related issues
- Improvement Stripe error handling
- Fixes Stripe Embedded Checkout issue
- Adds Unique Email validation
- Fixes Conditional logic issue
- Adds VivaWallet payment gateway (addon)
- Adds Donation Progress Item on the free version
- Adds Form active/inactive option
- Adds Conditional logic for coupon code
- Adds New Free Donation and Payment templates
- Adds Necessary improvements to the User Dashboard
- Adds Necessary improvements to various modules
- Fixes minor issues
- Adds Moneris payment Gateway
- Adds Place a hold on a payment method (Stripe)
- Adds email notification on subscription cancel from user dashboard
- Adds Tax field on payment receipt in the payment summary section
- Fixes Paypal IPN issue
- Fixes Billplz validation issues
- Fixes Tax item calculation issue
- Fixes Payment summary related issue
- Fixes PDF related issue
- Fixes issue with conditional logic
- Fixes TutorLMS integration issue for paid courses
- Adds Customer Dashboard
- Adds PDF/Invoice
- Adds Donor Leaderboard
- Add Filter In Single Form Entry Export
- Add Maximum value option in number field
- Makes donation goal required to show statistic and progress bar
- Fixes Undo/Redo Issue on form editor
- Fixes Step form toggle issue
- Fixes String Translatable issue
- Fixes Razorpay payment checkout issue with tabular product
- Fixes Donation form custom amount issue
- Fixes Dropdown field Placeholder and Default Value issue
- Fixes Tabular product image upload issue
- Fixes Tabular product template choose issue
- Fixes Entry exporting issue
- FIxes Payment summary issue for subscription items
- Fixes Email notification translation string issue
- Fixes Large screen responsive issue
- Adds Currency Switcher
- Adds Flutterwave payment gateway addon
- Adds applied coupons column on exported entries
- Adds currency sign on payment summary
- Makes Address field a free feature
- Fixes email validation issue for certain domains
- Fixes fractional mismatch issue on Tax percentage
- Fixes payment display mismatch upon fixed discount applied
- Fixes custom payment credentials settings issue
- Fixes Square Item name
- Adds Square subscription payment
- Adds Xendit payment gateway addon
- Adds Autologin on LMS integration
- Fixes entry rendering issue
- Fixes Coupon or discount-related issues
- Fixes Payments information issues on Entry module
- Fixes 100% coupon issue
- Fixes custom URL issue on payment success
- Fixes Autologin issue on User Registration
- Fixes entry exporting issue
- Fixes quantity field of Tabular Product Item issue
- Fixes Tabular Product Item field’s product name issue
- Fixes Dropdown field’s placeholder and default value issue
- Fixes form entry rendering issue
- Fixes payment methods and logo rendering issues
- Fixes currency sign issue
- Fixes string translation issue
- Fixes TutorLMS integration offline payment issue
- Fixes Billplz donation templates issue
- Fixes coupon amount issue
- Fixes single form entry rendering issue
- Fixes translation issue
- Fixes add more fields button issue
- Fixes Step forms issue with Elementor/WPBakery
- Fixes entry export issue for checkbox
- Fixes Asynchronous issues on integration module
- Adds hidden input support on conditional logic
- Adds advanced date configuration
- Adds Simple form templates label editable
- Adds product variation price
- Adds LMS integration module updates
- Adds shopping cart templates
- Adds offline subscription management
- Adds new demo form for product cart template
- Fixes Stripe Webhook issue
- Fixes shortcode bug for integration
- Fixes Step-form backward validation issue.
- Adds Step form
- Adds Turnstile (Cloudflare) security
- Adds Subscription management from the dashboard
- Adds Support for PHP 8.1
- Adds AliPay, Sepa Debit, and ACH debit for Stripe
- Fixes Elementor popup issue
- Fixes Form payment settings issue
- Fixes Consent field conditional logic
- Fixes Export issue
- Fixes Payments receipt breaking issue
- Fixes 3D secure payment issue
- Fixes Other minor issues
- Adds Billplz gateway (Malaysian gateway)
- Adds Google Sheet integration
- Adds Developer API for Payment modules
- Fixes Receipt issue
- Fixes Confirmation URL issue
- Fixes Tax with donation component
- Fixes UI and full-screen app issues
- Fixes Donation template default image issue
- Adds New Advanced Form Editor
- Adds Donation template customizer
- Adds New UI refactors
- Adds Conditional email notification
- Adds Coupon Limit by user
- Fluent Support Integration
- Fixes Coupon issue
- Fixes other Multiple issues
- Fixes Payment total with tax and coupon issue
- Fixes Select field issue with required checked
- Data sanitization and esc_* improvements
- Added Customer Profile (Pro)
- Added Condition with dynamic payment items
- Added 100% discount with coupon payment
- Fixed Multi-site activation issue
- Fixed File upload/export issue
- Fixed API security updates
- Fixed Other minor issues
- Added Conditional logic on input fields
- Added LifterLMS course Integration
- Added LearnDash course Integration
- Added TutorLMS course Integration
- Fixed Shortcode bug
- Fixed Stripe custom credentials bug
- Fixed Offline payment with subscription issue
- Fixed reports no data validation
- Fixed Menu spell issue
- Added New UI with more light-free and pro plugin
- Added Global Reports modules for payments
- Added subscription sync option
- Added Donation field
- Added Phone field
- Added Payment Summary
- Added Square payment gateway (Pro)
- Added Payrexx payment gateway (Pro)
- Added SSLCOMMERZ Payment Gateway (Pro)
- Added Form Individual stripe settings.
- Added Custom PayPal settings for individual form
- Added Stripe donation
- Added Card supports for stripe settings
(Ideal,FPX, BACS dirrect debit(UK), Bancontact,
Giropay, Przelewy24 (P24), EPS) - Added Webhook (Pro)
- Added Telegram (Pro)
- Added Zapier
- Added Twillo (SMS) (Pro)
- Added more prebuild demo forms
- Added real-time searchable forms
- Added export form searchable
- Added Payment method with image format.
- Fixed default pay method dropdown
- Fixed email shortcode issues
- Fixed receipt shortcode issues
- Fixed typos in a different section
- Fixed zero decimal currency issue
- Fixed PayPal IPN issue
- Fixed 15+ unlisted bugs
- Fixed Export issue
- Fixed Accessibility issue
- Added New codebase & security improvements
- Added Mollie payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Added Razorpay payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Added Paystack payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Added Activecampaign CRM
- Added Mailchimp CRM
- Added Asynchronous notification trigger
- Added FluentCRM integration
- Added Slack integration
- Added Coupon with multiple subscriptions
- Added Bulk Resend Notification
- Added Theme independent form preview
- Added secure API implementation
- Added reCaptcha validation on global reCaptcha settings
- Added Entry UI/UX Improvement
- Added Gutenberg Block
- Added Debug environment
- Added Payment pending notification on receipt
- Added New payment shortcodes
- Added New entry filter
- Added Searchable editor fields
- Added Password field
- Added Email attachments
- Added Create a user on submit/payment paid (if any pay item)
- Added Entry-Log tag & Log remove option
- 10+ new unlisted features for developers & users
- Fixed Coupon issue for zero decimal
- Fixed Coupon min-amount validation issue
- Fixed Invoice empty payment item issue
- Fixed Custom amount shows ceil value issue
- Fixed User input pay amount button issue
- Fixed the Email Handler issue
- Fixed Inline payment coupon issue
- Fixed Button processing text translation issue
- Fixed Submission local time issue
- Fixed PayPal 100% coupon issue
- Fixed Email special character issue for post_title
- Fixed Duplicate login notification issue
- Fixed Empty form items validation issue
- Fixed 20 more unlisted bugs
- Fixed Zero-amount on the payment issue
- Fixed Rounding error issue on tax
- Fixed checkout logo upload issue
- Fixed footer merged issue
- Added nonce security for ajax
- Fixed resend notification issue
- Added resend / manual email notification
- Added disable fields for later use
- Added user access control/role-based access
- Added quick update entry status (new/read)
- Added terms condition field to free version
- Added abandoned item filter
- Added recurring quantity for stripe
- Added bulk delete option for entries
- Added payment field with photo
- Added max quantity for a tabular item
- Added transaction-id shortcode
- Added shortcode for all_input_field_html_with_empty
- Added recurring payment for dashboard widget
- Added new entry count on the menu
- Fixed recurring subscriptions daily basis
- Fixed stripe long-meta data issue
- Fixed confirmation page shortcode issue
- Fixed stripe-customer name and email issue
- Fixed PayPal recurring notification issue
- Fixed timestamp on universal timezone issue
- Fixed title bar typo
- Fixed elementor popup issue
- Fixed missing translation issue
- Fixed PayPal docs link issue
- Fixed required login message issue
- Fixed non-paid items on receipt
- Fixed shortcode on URL issue
- Fixed multi-site deprecated hook issue
- Fixed email empty fields issue
- Fixed payment success action hook issue
- Fixed created and entry time mismatch
- Fixed missing placeholder to confirm the email
- Fixed file upload issue
- Fixed recurring payment currency icon issue
- Fixed missing stripe billing info on multiple payments
- Stripe Payment Issues have been resolved
- CSV export issue fixed
- Receipt Issue resolved
- The IP logging issue resolved
- Improved SCA Payments processing
- Fixed a few form-handling bugs
- Internal Architecture improvements
- Fixed email and receipt email issues
- Ability to push all the form data as stripe meta
- Improved Payment Receipt
- Upgrade Stripe API version
- Fix Currency Formatter
- Email bug issue fixed
- Improved Stripe Thank you page
- 0 Quantity product bug fix
- Validation Bug fix
- Better asset management
- Date Field bug fix
- Internet explorer error fix
- PHP improvement
- SCA integration
- Added Stripe Checkout version 3
- Fix Date Picker Bug
- Frontend Notification Fix
- Frontend Validation
- Fully re-write the frontend JS. It’s faster now
- Design improvement
- Fixed Stripe webhook
- Added Advanced settings in the editor
- Added payment method on placeholders.
- Improve performance
- Added Google reCaptcha versions 2 and 3
- Fix the Asterisk sign
- Fix function undefined error
- Fix issues of various types.
- Fixed PayPal Payments for Taxable Items
- Fixed Stripe Trial Period Amounts
- Rename The plugin
- Added source vue files
- Fix Zero Decimal Currency for other elements
- Added Confirm email field
- Performance Improvement
- Added more developer hooks
- UI Upgrades for Admin Panel
- Added Meta Tables
- Fixed Zero Decimal Currency charges
- Added Dashboard Widget
- Improvement of Editor
- Added Reporting screen
- New Date Time picker
- HTML field bug fix
- added new hooks for developers
- Stripe Payment Method initialization fix
- Overall improvements
- Added new form fields
- estimated human hours for this release: 60 hours & Coffees
- Fix small bugs
- Fix pagination issues for form entries
- Initial release