This article will guide you through the process of customizing the date formats for your Date & Time field.
Date Formatting Tokens #
Character | Description | Example |
d | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros | 01 to 31 |
D | A textual representation of a day | Mon through Sun |
l (lowercase ‘L’) | A full textual representation of the day of the week | Sunday through Saturday |
j | Day of the month without leading zeros | 1 to 31 |
J | Day of the month without leading zeros and ordinal suffix | 1st, 2nd, to 31st |
w | Numeric representation of the day of the week | 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) |
W | Numeric representation of the week | 0 (first week of the year) through 52 (last week of the year) |
F | A full textual representation of a month | January through December |
m | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zero | 01 through 12 |
n | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros | 1 through 12 |
M | A short textual representation of a month | Jan through Dec |
U | The number of seconds since the Unix Epoch | 1413704993 |
y | A two-digit representation of a year | 99 or 03 |
Y | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | 1999 or 2003 |
Z | ISO Date format | 2017-03-04T01:23:43.000Z |
Time Formatting Tokens #
Character | Description | Example |
H | Hours (24 hours) | 00 to 23 |
h | Hours | 1 to 12 |
G | Hours, 2 digits with leading zeros | 1 to 12 |
i | Minutes | 00 to 59 |
S | Seconds, 2 digits | 00 to 59 |
s | Seconds | 0, 1 to 59 |
K | AM/PM | AM or PM |
Advanced Configuration #
Paymattic Date and Time field use flatpickr JS library; for advanced users, you can provide the config object in the field’s advanced settings.

Adding the First Day of Week Date #
Now, you can add the start of the week date. You can do this with the help of a custom code; use the code given below:
"locale": {
"firstDayOfWeek": 1 // start week on Monday
Available Options #
Config Option | Type | Default | Description |
altFormat | String | “F j, Y” | Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field |
altInput | Boolean | false | Show the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server. |
altInputClass | String | “” | This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option. Note that altInput already inherits classes from the original input. |
allowInput | Boolean | false | Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled. |
appendTo | HTMLElement | null | Instead of body , appends the calendar to the specified node instead*. |
ariaDateFormat | String | “F j, Y” | Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat . If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud. |
clickOpens | Boolean | true | Whether clicking on the input should open the picker. You could disable this if you wish to open the calendar manually |
dateFormat | String | “Y-m-d” | A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box. The supported characters are defined in the table below. |
defaultDate | String | null | Sets the initial selected date(s).If you’re using mode: "multiple" or a range calendar supply an Array of Date objects or an Array of date strings which follow your dateFormat .Otherwise, you can supply a single Date object or a date string. |
defaultHour | Number | 12 | Initial value of the hour element. |
defaultMinute | Number | 0 | Initial value of the minute element. |
disable | Array | [] | See Disabling dates |
disableMobile | Boolean | false | Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker.By default, flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used. |
enable | Array | [] | See Enabling dates |
enableTime | Boolean | false | Enables time picker |
enableSeconds | Boolean | false | Enables seconds in the time picker. |
formatDate | Function | null | Allows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in handling for date formats using dateFormat , altFormat , etc. |
hourIncrement | Integer | 1 | Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling) |
inline | Boolean | false | Displays the calendar inline |
maxDate | String/Date | null | The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive). |
minDate | String/Date | null | The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive). |
minuteIncrement | Integer | 5 | Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling) |
mode | String | “single” | "single" , "multiple" , or "range" |
nextArrow | String | > | HTML for the arrow icon, used to switch months. |
noCalendar | Boolean | false | Hides the day selection in calendar. Use it along with enableTime to create a time picker. |
onChange | Function, [functions] | null | Function(s) to trigger on every date selection. See Events API |
onClose | Function, [functions] | null | Function(s) to trigger on every time the calendar is closed. See Events API |
onOpen | Function, [functions] | null | Function(s) to trigger on every time the calendar is opened. See Events API |
onReady | Function, [functions] | null | Function to trigger when the calendar is ready. See Events API |
parseDate | Function | false | Function that expects a date string and must return a Date object |
position | String | “auto” | Where the calendar is rendered relative to the input."auto" , "above" or "below" |
prevArrow | String | < | HTML for the left arrow icon. |
shorthandCurrentMonth | Boolean | false | Show the month using the shorthand version (ie, Sep instead of September). |
showMonths | Integer | 1 | The number of months showed. |
static | Boolean | false | Position the calendar inside the wrapper and next to the input element*. |
time_24hr | boolean | false | Displays time picker in 24-hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled. |
weekNumbers | Boolean | false | Enables display of week numbers in the calendar. |
wrap | Boolean | false | Custom elements and input groups |
Please check flatpickr documentation for more details.
If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team. Thank you.